2011 Conference

Peskiza foun kona-ba Timor-Leste / Novas investigações sobre Timor-Leste / New research on Timor-Leste / Penelitian baru tentang Timor-Leste (Vols I and II)

Edited by Michael Leach, Nuno Canas Mendes, Antero B. da Silva, Bob Boughton and Alarico da Costa Ximenes, Hawthorn: Swinburne Press, 2012, 395pp. AU$60 (hardcopy)

The papers included in this volume were presented at the Timor-Leste Studies Association’s Communicating New Research on Timor-Leste conference, held at the Centro Formação João Paulo II, Comoro, Dili, Timor-Leste, 30 June – 1 July 2011. Papers in the collection are divided into four language sections (Tetum-Dili, Portuguese, English and Bahasa Indonesia), along with a special section on Adult and Popular education.

The online edition of the New Research on Timor-Leste also includes a new section of online refereed articles not included in the original volume.

To order a hardcopy use attached order form in word or pdf.All sales fund free copies to East Timorese universities and libraries.

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To download separate chapters click on individual chapters below

Lia Maklokek – Prefácio – Foreword – Prakata    

Peskiza foun kona ba Timor Leste

1. Timor-Leste no komplexidade Paises Sub-dezenvolvidu
Antero Benedito da Silva ho Mario da Silva Carvalho

2. Lulik: Valor Fundamental Timoroan Nian
Jose ‘Josh’ Trindade

3. Peskiza No Treinamentu JSMP Konaba Lei Jontra Violensia Domestika
Francisca da Silva

4.Arkiolojia Konstrusaun Ba Nasaun: Importansia Hosi Matenek Arkiolojia Ba Indentidade Nasional Timor-Leste Nian
Nuno Vasco Oliveira

5. Medisina Sosial iha Timor-Leste
Tim Anderson [Tradusaun: Nuno Rodriguez]

6. Sistema Halo To’os Uza Lehe Hodi Hasa’e Produsaun, Hamate Du’ut No Hadia Rai
Marcos Correia Vidal ho Rob Williams

7. Varidade ba batar balu, bele hetan produsaun aas, ho bele tahan ba fuhuk
Felisberto A. Soares, Joao Bosco da Costa RB, Leandro C.R. Pereira Abril de Fatima ho Robert L. Williams

Novas Investigações sobre Timor-Leste

8. Arqueologia e Nation Building: Importância do Conhecimento Arqueológico Para a Identidade Nacional de Timor-Leste
Nuno Vasco Oliveira

9. Registos Escritos, Memórias, Objectos e Saberes… A Importância do Conhecimento e da Recuperação da Informação Histórica Sobre Timor Para a História de Timor-Leste
Ana Cristina Roque, Nuno Vasco Oliveira,Vítor Rosado Marques

10. Para além do visível. Percepções de direitos humanos nos murais e graffiti de Timor-Leste
Marisa Ramos Gonçalves

11. Despontar do romance em Timor-Leste
Isabel Moutinho

12. Riqueza ou preço da noiva? Regimes morais em disputa nas negociações de casamento entre elites urbanas timorenses
Kelly Silva

13. Apresentar novas investigações sobre Timor-Leste: Percursos, estratégias e representações socioculturais de um grupo de estudantes timorenses em Portugal
Dália Cristóvão, Pedro Nogueira

14. O impacto da agricultura itinerante no bem-estar das populações rurais e nos ecossistemas naturais e semi-naturais de Timor-Leste
Maria Jesus, Pedro Henriques, Pedro Laranjeira, Vanda Narciso

15. Produção, consumo e importância da cultura do arroz: da colonização portuguesa a Timor-Leste independente
Jorge da Silva, Pedro Henriques, Fátima Jorge, Vanda Narciso

16. O impacto do desempenho da Cooperativa Café Timor na satisfação e qualidade de vida dos seus membros
Carlos da Conceição de Deus, Pedro Henriques, Fátima Jorge, Vanda Narciso

17. O papel dos sistemas tradicionais de uso da terra no bem-estar das populações rurais de Timor-Leste
Pedro Damião de Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, Manuel Branco

18. Notas sobre a política externa portuguesa e os interesses portugueses em Timor-Leste
Nuno Canas Mendes


New Research on Timor-Leste

19. Talking in the fourth language: Oral English class discussion strategies and topic preferences in a Timor-Leste university
Marcos Antonio Amaral, Agustinho da Conceição Anuno,  Jose da Costa, Sancho Patricio, and James McLellan

20. Aid: is it worth it?
Tim Anderson

21. Developing Museum to Museum Cultural Engagement between Australian and Timor-Leste
Cecilia Assis and Robyn Sloggett

22. Health Professionals and Lawyers Understandings of Domestic Violence and the Domestic Violence Law: the 2011 Judicial System Monitoring Program survey
Suzanne Belton

23. A Political Ecology of Land Tenure in Timor Leste: Environmental Contestation and Livelihood Impacts in the Nino Konis Santana National Park
Alexander Cullen

24. Agronomic Responses and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Local and Introduced Corn (Zea Mays L.) Genotypes to Different Levels and Sources of Nitrogen in Two Corn Growing Areas in Timor-Leste
Agustinho da Costa Ximenes

25. Popular Socialist Democracy of the RDTL 1 1975-1978
Antero Benedito da Silva

26. Social & Emotional Learning
Mariano Dos Santos

27. The role of participatory arts in social change in Timor Leste: discussing outcomes for project stakeholders
Kim Dunphy

28. A preliminary investigation into the history of the old fort at Maubara
Steven Farram

29. Making Histories: Whose Stories Are Told? Some Considerations From Maubara
Steven Farram and David Mearns

30. If My Aunty Had Balls, She’d Be My Uncle: Dubious Counter-Factuals in East Timorese History
Clinton Fernandes

31. Modernising Timor-Leste: Moving beyond ideology
Damian Grenfell

32. Gender Issues in Timor-Leste and the Pacific Islands: ‘Practical Needs’ and ‘Strategic Interests’ revisited   
Helen M. Hill

33. Mari Alkatiri: Islamic Identity and legitimacy in Timorese (inter-)National Politics
Melissa Johnston

34. Family influences on long-term and short-term child growth in Ossu area, Timor-Leste
Debra S Judge, Katherine A Sanders, Nadine Reghupathy, Pedro Canisio Amaral, and Lincoln H Schmitt

35. Domestic Violence in Timor-Leste: A New Law and New Obligations to Face Old Challenges
Amrita Kapur

36. Information Access and Community Empowerment: The impact of media on civil and civic engagement in Bobonaro, Timor-Leste
Jessica Knowles

37. FITUN: A preliminary history of a clandestine movement
Michael Leach

38. Women’s Activism in Timor-Leste: A Case Study on Fighting Women
Hannah Loney

39. The impact of policy on language and learning: the experience of teachers
Marie Quinn

40. Timorese teachers as agents for change or replicators of the past?
Ritesh Shah

41. State-led prosperity or ‘runaway state-building’? Timor-Leste’s new development strategy
Dennis Shoesmith

42. Negotiating nation and tradition: Analyzing East-Timorese state-formation from the perspective of Brazilian Anthropology
Kelly Silva and Daniel S. Simião

43. Mother tongue-based multilingual education: A new direction for Timor-Leste
Kerry Taylor-Leech and Agustinho Caet

44. Prospects for the Establishment of a Community-Based Tourism Network in Timor-Leste
Denis Tolkach, Brian King, and Michael Pearlman

45. Timor history 1974-1999: Finding, preserving and accessing primary sources
John Waddingham


New Research on Timor-Leste : Adult and Popular Education

46. Adult and Popular Education in Timor Leste
Bob Boughton

47. Reflections on papers delivered: An international perspective: Remarks on papers presented in the thematic stream, ‘Adult and Popular Education In Development’, Understanding Timor-Leste Conference
Daniel Schugurensky

48. Maintaining a Civic Nation: social cohesion in Timor-Leste
Paddy Tobias

49. Becoming a Nation of Readers in Timor-Leste
Benjamim de Araújo e Corte-Real and Sjaak Kroon

50. Discourses about adult literacy and about liberation interwoven: recollections of the adult literacy campaign initiated in 1974/5
Estêvão Cabral and Marilyn Martin-Jones

51. Adult literacy in multilingual Timor-Leste: First results of a study
Danielle Boon and Jeanne Kurvers

52. Fataluku Language and Literacy Uses and Attitudes in Timor-Leste
Edegar da Conceição Savio, Jeanne Kurvers, Aone van Engelenhoven and Sjaak Kroon

53. Adult literacy, political participation and democracy
Bob Boughton


Penelitian Baru Mengenai Timor Leste

54. Kepentingan dan Diplomasi Timor Leste di ASEAN
Alarico da Costa Ximenes

55. Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Datang Pipa Pancar dan Debit Air Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Turbin Arus Lintang Tingkat ke Dua
Domingos de Sousa Freitas


New Research on Timor-Leste – Refereed On-line Papers

56. Social Medicine in Timor Leste
Tim Anderson

57. Learning Tetun as a Malae
Catharina Williams-van Klinken

58. Lulik: The Core of Timorese Values
Jose ‘Josh’ Trindade

59. Beyond the visible: perceptions of human rights in Timor-Leste street art
Marisa Ramos Goncaļves

60. The role of traditional land use systems in the well-being of rural Timor-Leste
Pedro Damião de Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, Manuel Branco

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